3. Setup

Instructions on how to setup a machine to run this project.

3.1. Basic Setup Instructions

This project now uses docker-compose as it’s main form of setup. You can use the following steps to get a sample server up and going

  1. Install [docker/docker-compose.](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/)
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. Make a copy of sample.env named .env (yes, it starts with a dot).
  4. Edit the new .env file, filling in new values for the first block of uncommented lines. Other lines can be safely ignored as they only provide additional functionality.
  5. Run docker-compose up (possibly using sudo if needed)
  6. You should now have the server running on a newly created VM, accessible via (http://localhost). The repository you cloned has been linked into the VM by docker, so any changes made to the repository on the host system should show up automatically. (A docker-compose restart may be needed for some changes to take effect)

3.1.1. Setup details

The basic instructions above bring up the following docker containers:

  • db
    The postgres database with the settings specified in the .env file. Data is retained across container restarts in docker/volumes/redis_data.
  • redis
    A redis server for caching and task management. Data is stored in docker/volumes/redis_data.
  • app
    The Django application running using gunicorn on port 8000.
  • huey
    A Huey consumer for scheduled tasks.
  • web
    An apache server to proxy web requests to the “app” container and serve the static files. By default, this container serves web requests using plain HTTP over port 80. See the “Extra Setup Instructions” for details on setting up SSL.


There are also 2 volumes shared by a number of the containers that hold static files and media files and will persist across docker restarts.

3.2. Extra Setup Instructions

In addition to the basic instructions above, there are a few additional setup options available. These additional options are provided via “override files” that override various parts of the docker compose logic. You can enable which override files are being used by setting the COMPOSE_FILE variable in the .env file. By default only the local_override.yml file is enabled.

3.2.1. local_override

By default, the “web” docker container only “exposes” port 80. The local override file takes things one step further and maps the host port 80 to the web container port 80. This is done via an override because docker compose doesn’t support unmapping ports and the proxy_override settings need to map the reverse proxy to host port 80.

3.2.2. shib_override

Enabling this override sets up shibboleth authentication on the apache server. To use pre-existing shibboleth certificates, place sp-cert.pem and sp-key.pem in docker/volumes/shib-certs. This override file also uses LetsEncrypt to get a certificate for the site using the DOMAIN and CONTACT_EMAIL settings from the .env file. SSL certs are stored in docker/volumes/ssl-certs. Right now this is the only override that provides SSL capabilities. In the future there will likely be an SSL_override file that breaks out the LetsEncrypt functionality.

3.2.3. proxy_override

Enabling this override file sets up a reverse proxy using Traefik. This functionality is in development and mostly untested. It currently only works with shib_override. It also requires an already created docker network named proxy-net